Beginner Vocal Lessons
The Beginner Vocal Course is designed to build the fundamentals required for great singing. This course is easy enough for most true beginners to practice, but is also a great workout for more advanced singers. Whether you need a place to start or a way to refresh your fundamentals, the Beginner Vocal Course will provide a way for you to hone your core vocal technique.
Warm-Ups, Range Building and High Notes, Breathing and Breath Support, Riffs and Agility, Chest Voice, Head Voice, Flageolet, Falsetto, Mix Voice, Vibrato, Straight Tone, Sustains, Stamina, Posture And Alignment, Jaw Freedom, Tongue Freedom, The Solar Plexus, The Obliques, Larynx Control, Larynx Height Variations, Compression Control, Nasal Resonance, Trills, The NG, Low Notes, Vocal Fry, Staccato, Grace Notes, Crescendos and Decrescendos, Yodels, Messa Di Voce, Training All The Vowels, Creative Musical Patterns and Challenges (Intervals, Slides, Scales, Leaps, Arpeggios, Pentatonic, Diminished, Chromatics, and Many More),